diet plans

A diet plan is something which the most integral part of your transformation journey. If I would summarise the whole transformation process in ratio then it will be 25% of exercise, 25% of recovery and 50% of diet which makes the transformation successful. 50% contribution becomes the biggest reason you should focus more on diet than any other thing, but unfortunately maximum of us fail to do that. We take diet very leniently. You can only workout for maximum 3-4 hours in the gym or outside but diet is something which you have to follow round the clock. Diet not only just benefits in body transformations but it is equally important to remain healthy and prevent diseases. In India 8 out of 10 people are deficient in some or the other nutritional value. Awareness in nutrition is biggest challenge in India. People in India hardly knows about their daily protein intake according to their body. Most of the gymrats fails to know about the proper calorie intake and its insights which is needed by their body  while performing such rigorous and heavy training. They don’t even know how much rest and nutrition their body requires to recover and lots of food myths and bro science come in their way which creates a serious gap. A good diet plan bridges that gap and make you fit and healthy.


tips for maintaining a good diet:

Overview & goals

  • Take adequate amount of protein – You should take at least 50-100 grams of protein daily. If you aim to gain muscles and doing heavy exercises then it should be between 100 -150 grams per day. Remember protein increases you strength, immunity and ability to gain muscle and lose fat.

         Good sources of protein are: Lentils, Peas, Soya, Paneer,                                     Chicken, Eggs etc. 

  • Complex Carbohydrates are better than simple – Avoid simple carbs and go for complex carbs because simple carbs such as sugar, white rice are of empty calories and they lack in nutrition whereas complex carbs are rich in nutrition and they longer time to digest thus giving your body energy for longer time.
         Good sources of carbohydrates are: Brown Rice, Oatmeal,                                   Potatoes, Chickpeas etc.  
  • Go for unsaturated fats in place of trans and saturated fats – Avoid all the junk foods and oily items which contains huge amount of trans and saturated fats instead go for olive oil, mustard oil, ghee etc. Choose foods which are low in cholesterol or have good cholesterols.
         Good sources of fats are: Egg yolks, Cheese, Ghee, Butter,                                   Mustard Oil, Olive Oil.
  • Include high fibre salads such as cucumber, carrot, beet root, capsicum in your meals. 
  • Have control on sugar intake. Excessive sugar can be too dangerous.
  • Include Micro Nutrients also in your diet such as food supplements rich in vitamins and minerals.

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