1. Myth: Eating calories after sun-set or snaking at midnight can cause you weight gain.

Fact: Calories are calories. It doesn’t matter when you eat them, your body doesn’t know it is evening or morning. What does matter is the total calories taken versus total calories burned.

2. Myth: Fat free means Calorie free, means I can eat as much as I want

Fact: Fat-free doesn’t means calorie free. Each and every food items have calories into it, it is wrong to say that anything is calorie free, even proteins also contains calories into it. The difference remains is with the number of calories, usually foods with high fat and carbs content are of more calories compared to high fibre and protein content food. Conclusion is to maintain the balance and figure out the total calorie intake as per the requirement of the body. 

3. Myth: Eggs have high cholestrol.

Fact: Cholestrols are the fatty substance in our blood that causes heart attacks and clogged arteries. Calling eggs having high cholestrols is not true because eggs have good cholestrols which is not harmful unless you take it on a limited basis. Conclusion is to have moderate amount of eggs so that it provides you nutrition without harming your body.

4. Myth: Eating carbohydrates will cause weight gain.

Fact: Carbohydrates doesn’t cause weight gain, eating more than your body requires results in weight gain. Conclusion remains again the same, burn more than you eat to maintain the balance.

Myth: Supplements are not good for health.

5. Fact: Supplements are very beneficial for your health. Macro nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fibers etc are found in organic food items which are important but they don’t have adequate amount of nutrition as they used to have earlier because of the adulteration in their production. Supplements covers the gap of the insufficient nutrition and becomes equally important.